Project X HZRDUS Smoke Yellow Shaft Review
By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter
Looking at the EI profile of the Project X HZRDUS Smoke Yellow is like meeting an old friend you have not seen in a while. It is in many ways an updated of the Project X Loading Zone shaft. For the right golfer it added ball flight height without adding spin. It was a great fit for negative angle of attacks, a long time issue with my own swing. I was sorry to see it get discontuned, and I am quite happy to see the HZRDUS Smoke Yellow replace the most popular of the various profiles that were in the Loading Zone matrix.
the HZRDUS Smoke Yellow is not a remake of the HZRDUS Yellow, they are different.
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