Graphite Design Tour AD Iron Shaft Review

Graphite Design Tour AD Iron Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
Golf Center at the Highlands, Carrollton TX, A Golf Digest Top 100 Club Fitting Studio

I have fit almost exclusively with steel iron shafts for many, many years. When I built EI measuring instruments I checked shaft to shaft consistency in graphite iron shafts. I would not build with what I saw. When some premium shafts came to market last year I checked set consistency and saw what I most always see in steel. consistent profiles through out the sets. Furthermore, I saw steel like stiffness and torque in much lower weight shafts. Now that I am at an age where weight matters the stiffness to weight ratio of premium carbon fiber iron shafts got my attention.

The Graphite Design Tour AD Iron shafts are not a new product. But my renewed interest in Carbon Fiber iron shafts prompted me to ask for review samples. They came, multiple shafts in 11 different weight / stuffiness models. It took quite some time to measure them. The good news, as you can see in this chart, the profiles inside the sets are consistent. They generally have the same stiffness as steel that is 20 grams heavier. These shafts are worthy of the Graphite Design Tour AD brand. Lets take a close look at the specifications.

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To continue reading this section of the review, you must be registered at a higher level membership.

To continue reading this section of the review, you must be registered at a higher level membership.

Mitsubishi Diamana Golf Shaft Review Second Generation


By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas


 Mitsubishi Diamana ‘ahina

The successor to the Diamana White Board, the Diamana ‘ahina is a low launch, low torque shaft.  The softer butt allows players with a drop style transition to load the shaft at the beginning of the downswing.  The firm midsection is an important design aspect, delivering control of the stiff tip.  The new Multi Dimensional Interlay fabric from Mitsubishi creates a more stable and stiffer tip.  This stability is seen in both linear and radial directions.  The mid-tip profile is designed to deliver a low launch similar to the Diamana White Board.

The overall torque of the ‘ahina ranges from 3.3 in the 60R to 2.5 in the 80X.  The tip torque of this shaft is among the lowest we have measured.  The Diamana ‘ahina profiles are consistent from weight to weight and flex to flex.  The radial profiles are excellent; the shaft can be used in any orientation.

Diamana_Ilima Mitsubishi Diamana ‘ilima

The successor to the Diamana Red Board, the Diamana ‘ilima is a high launch, low torque shaft. The softer butt allows players with a drop style transition to load the shaft at the beginning of the downswing. The MDI fabric from Mitsubishi creates a stable, stiff tip. The ilima launches higher than its design partner, the ahina. The feel of the tip is noticeably stiffer than the Red Board.

Unlike the Red Board, the butt of the ilima closely matches the ahina design. The ilima is unique, bringing low torque to a high launching shaft. The ilima is a spectacular fairway golf shaft. I have sold countless numbers of fairways with the Diamana ilima. The reaction is always the same, ‘awesome’.

The overall torque of the ‘ilima ranges from 3.3 in the 60R to 2.7 in the 70X.  The tip torque of this shaft is among the lowest I have measured in high launching shafts.  The Diamana ilima profiles are consistent from weight to weight and flex to flex.  The radial profiles are excellent; the shaft can be used in any orientation.

Diamana_Kaili Mitsubishi Diamana Kai’li

The successor to the Diamana Blue Board, the Kaili like other shafts in the second generation of Diamanas has a stiffer tip and compensation in the low mid to maintain a similar flight to the Blue Board. The multi-dimensional interlay tip fabric, referred to in Mitsubishi’s publications results in smoother profiles. The Kai’li became one of my most popular the day it was introduced.

The overall torque of the Diamana Kai’li ranges from 3.3 in the 60R to 2.7 in the 70X.  The MDI material in the tip provides a very low torque, while the butt torque is relaxed to create more feel.

The MDI material in the tip provides a very low torque, while the butt torque is relaxed to create more feel. This design, a stiff butt, is well suited to a fast tempo, hard transition swing. The smooth transition to a relatively soft mid section provides a controlled release of the load created by a hard transition. This design is a classic found in many of what I might dare to refer to as game improvement driver shafts. This shaft logo has been used in a few off the rack golf clubs. The volume of off the rack clubs vs aftermarket shaft sales is not overlooked at Mitsubishi.  High torque versions of the Blue Board profile are available from many shaft brands, Mitsubishi included.



Golf Shaft EI Profiling


By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Golf Center at the Highlands, Carrollton Texas

If you want to understand golf shafts the way a golf shaft engineer understands the, you need to see the three point EI profiles of the linear strength of the golf shaft. The term, EI is engineering short hand for E= Modulus of Elasticity and I = Area Moment of Inertia. Or, more simply, the elasticity of the shaft material and the thickness of the cross section of the shaft. The combination of these combine into the stiffness of the shaft at any point on the shaft. If the walls are thicker that section the shaft is stiffer.  If the graphite strands are running from butt to tip the stiffness they give to the shaft is more than if they are angled to control torque.


Simple marketing terms, high mid or low kick point are just that.  The marketing department of the shaft companies attempt to give the golfing public easy terms to understand. In today’s world of elaborate shaft design and fabrication, only three point EI profiling can reveal the linear bend character of the golf shaft. Detailed EI profiles, like the ones seen here can show how the shaft bends under load. That information, simply stated, is the functional knowledge of the golf shaft needed for golf club fitting.

A few years ago, when I was introduced to the concept of three point EI measurement, there was no generally available instrument.  Mark Timmes had had one designed and built at Hot Stix.  I believe that instrument is now owned by Mizuno.  Don Johnson a fellow club builder designed a home made instrument and my friend and mentor Dave Tutelman also made a simple version.  A laboratory quality computer controlled hydraulic instrument starts around $10K.

EI_InstrumentI set out to build an instrument that used gravity in the form of a stack of weights, and some form of powered assistance to raise and lower them.  Along the way, I had a long and expensive encounter with friction.  About a year after I started, fifteen of these were made. The original owners were mostly club fitters, many of my instruments are have now been purchased by golf shaft companies. Because it was designed specifically for the golf shaft, It does a better job of measuring a golf shaft than the computer controlled hydraulic instruments.

A few weeks before the C-Taper Lite released, I caught up with Kim Braly at the PGA Tour Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial tournament.  This is an outtake from that interview. We talk about EI profiling.

The engineering principal is not new.  A beam has two properties that affect deflection. The stiffness of the material and the cross sectional area of the beam.  EI charts for building components are available to help building engineers know how much a support beam will bend under the weight of the building place on it. Golf shafts are not much different to a shaft design engineer.  The material, steel or carbon fiber, has known load bearing properties. The cross sectional area is the walls of the shaft.  In carbon fiber design, the beam stiffness is affected by the direction of the fiber. When the fiber runs from tip to butt, all if its strength is applied to the stiffness of the shaft.  When the fiber is oriented at an angle to control radial stiffness which we call torque, some percentage of the tip to butt strength is lost. Knowing these material properties, a bend design is translated from material strength into wall thickness and a shaft layup is forecast by design software.

A three point EI instrument validates the prototype shaft design.  In the hands of a club fitter, it decodes the design into bend profiles.  A golf shaft, in its simplest terms is weight, EI profile and GJ profile.  We can add another property, feel, which is affected by material. And perhaps yet another, elasticity, again a material property.  But at the top of the list for understand the modern golf shaft is EI and GJ.

To measure EI a shaft is supported at two points.  A weight is placed in the center and the deflection is measured.  This deflection is transformed into EI by factoring the weight of the load, length of the beam and the amount of the deflection.  We measure every inch from 6″ from the tip to 6″ from the butt.  The charts show the first reading at 6″, but this point includes 5″ below and 5″ above this point. The flex on the graphs shows the stiffness all the way to the tip of the shaft. The numbers are smoothed to remove measurement ‘noise’.

EI Profile Comparsions

I like to tell the story about my first meeting with Tim Gillis, who was then the Director of Sales at Miyazaki Golf Shafts. I stated that I had close to 1000 shafts profiled.  He smiled and said, ‘We have been doing this for years, our database is over 5000’. Three point EI is the measuring standard used by all of the major shaft companies to design and validate golf shafts.

This site is about shafts from the point of view of the shaft designer, all measured with a consistent and uniform methodology.  The group of fitters that writes the reviews here are among the first to fit with a completer EI/GJ understanding of the shafts they use.

When I started the project of designing an EI instrument, I looked at the work of Dave Tutelman.  Dave documented the design of a simple device, EI Machine to Profile Golf Shafts. Through Dave I became friends with Don Johnson,  Don also created an EI measuring instrument years ago. The exchange of ideas with Dave and Don guided the development of the three point EI instrument illustrated here. After several years of experience I designed and manufactured an improved design. The measurements are so good, the software no longer needs to smooth out the data.

When questions about shaft ovaling and overhanging weight affecting the readings on my instrument arose, Dave studied the issue. He concluded in Errors in EI Measurement due to Shaft Weight that it was not a significant source of error because I applied a preload to the shaft. I have measured ovaling at the butt of the shafts and found what little could be measured was within the measurement error seen in repeat readings.  The numbers being discussed here are ten thousands of an inch.

Golf Shaft Bend Profile Signature


By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

This term is the best I could come up with for a way to look at shafts that Kim Braly taught me several years ago.  You will often see him making presentations about the change of stiffness from point to point on the KBS steel iron shafts.  Kim describes his shaft designs as a perfect whip, uniformly loosing stiffness from point to point, butt to tip.


In this illustration of the KBS C Tour shaft the EI profile is shown next to the Bend Profile Signature of the shafts.  You can see how the bend profile signature graphic magnifies the bend profile of the shaft. My math savvy friends looked at this and said, oh, you plotted the first derivative, the change in Y with respect to X, or in this case, how much stiffness changes inch by inch, down the shaft.

Don’t assume I understood the math when I created this chart, the idea for this came to me from Kim Braly. He told me in our first meeting, EI is not new, it has been around since the 30’s. He built his first EI instrument by cutting a hole in a desk. Ok, I can see where that would work. He said what you need to focus on is change of stiffness down the shaft.

My signature chart, the first derivative, is just that, how much does the shaft stiffness change from point to point down the shaft. It is actually the inch by inch slope down the shaft. Stiffness is removed, only the change of stiffness is shown. This is, perhaps, the most important metric for shaft fitting. However, I have never seen it outside of my software. But when you look at charts like the one below, you know some shaft designers are looking at it.

The graph on the left shows the EI profiles of the 2013 Mitusbishi Diamana B, the third generation of the Blue Board design.  Each shaft has a different stiffness.  The illustration on the right charts each of these shafts by showing change of stiffness from point to point.  The absolute stiffness is removed and what is left is an understanding of how the model bends.  Each of the shafts has essentially the same bend profile despite the fact that they are different weights and flexes.


By comparing shafts with this graphic a club fitter can easily understand the differences between shafts that would otherwise be clouded by weight and flex differences.  And by looking at the uniformity of all of the weights and flexes of a model, can quickly see if and when the designer changed the bend profile.  This often happens with different weights of a model.

Throughout this site you will see EI bend profile signatures used to highlight and explain differences in designs.  Having spent years looking at shafts from this perspective terms like kick point or bend point have come to have little meaning. In fact while doing research for a question I was asked, I found this quote in Total Clubfitting in the 21st Century. My copy was published by Dynacraft in 2007. “Additionally, the effect of bend point and kick point on ball flight now is considered marginal.”  Chapter 7, page 92.

We often see shafts with multiple hinges or knees for want of a better word.  By knowing the bemd signature of a shaft and getting feedback about feel from the golfer, a good fitter understands how a shaft will feel as well as how it will shape ball flight.

Graphite Design Series G Golf Shaft Review


By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas


The Graphite Design G Series of shafts was introduced in 2011. A large bundle of them arrived recently for review.  The measurements got my attention.  I would put this shaft into the same design group that I see with the Mitsubishi Diamana Blue, the Miyazaki JDL and the Matrix Ozik Xcon.  A soft mid in relation to the tip and butt.  This fit is generally suitable for the golfer with a quick, aggressive transition.  We can see this by looking at the average EI and GJ profiles of the Graphite Design G Series.

The technical discussion and measurements are available only to registered readers

The key to the radial quality and respectable torque numbers of this shaft may be due to the attention paid to fiber orientation in this shaft.  I lifted this illustration from the Graphite Design website.


There are 6 different fiber orientations used in this shaft.  The bias plies are at different angles and sandwiched in between the tip to butt, linear fiber plies.  Not all plies extend the full length of the shaft, But from a measurement perspective, the layup works.  With radial quality numbers like these, this shaft, even in the light weight models, is suitable for the rotating hosels in todays current generation of driver and fairway designs.  Looks like were are going to have to take some of these to the range and see what they feel like, stay tuned.


When I entered the golf club fitting business about 15 years ago, there was not a standard rating system for golf shaft stiffness. Nor was there a way to compare golf shafts. This journal gives you a way to compare golf shafts with a uniform stiffness rating evaluation. Understanding the properties of a golf shaft which is your best fit leads to a better game.

Describing golf shaft properties is not a simple task. Shaft company marketing developed terms, “kick point”, “stiffness”, “launch” and “spin” to describe shaft properties. These terms developed into a mythological language for describing golf shafts. Shaft engineers and designers define golf shaft stiffness as a profile, the change of stiffness down the length of the shaft. Many years ago a tour of a shaft company R&D lab enlightened my understanding of golf shaft technology.

That lead to me designing and manufacturing a very accurate shaft stiffness measuring instrument. It is now used by several shaft companies. I have been writing about shaft properties for 10+ years. The term EI profile, is now part of the discussion some shaft companies are having with golfers.

If you want to understand golf shafts you have come to the right place. Here you can learn why some shafts work better for you than others. And more important, how to recognize the properties of shafts that make you a better golfer. Please share your comments about what you experience with the shafts reviewed.

A system which defines the distribution of flex down a golf shaft is how most shaft companies design golf shafts. But the information, for fear of giving that information to their competitors, is not shared with the public. It took a few years to refine my measurement instrument and many, many years to acquire and measure the popular golf shafts. This journal provides you with uniform measurements of thousands of golf shafts. If you are new here, the TECHNOLOGY MENU is a collection of articles that will guide your understand golf shaft design.

This journal is entirely supported by subscription. To insure my integrity, there are no ads on this site, that allows me to remain unbiased in the articles. If you believe as I do, that your golf shafts are essential to good golf, please subscribe. Acquiring shafts, measuring them and writing articles takes a great amount of time. Your subscription underwrites the time and resources needed to keep this journal going and growing.

This video is a detailed discussion about golf shafts stiffness and the history of how they were measured and marketed. It is one of many videos about golf equipment technology and golf club building on my youtube channel, Devoted Golfer.

It took years to understand shaft measurement and many more years to accumulate a meaningful database of shaft measurements. The magnitude of that accomplishment did not occur to me until a golf shaft company owner said it to me. Several golf shaft companies now use the EI measuring instrument I designed and manufactured. If you are a golf professional and would like access to more data there are two choices. Golf Professional subscribers get access to a larger set of data and individual profiles of all the shaft model weights and stiffness variations that were made available. Fit2Score Affiliates have access to the entire database through Excel. To hear a podcast interview I did about golf shafts with Tony Wright, a Fit2Score Software Affiliate, Click Here.

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