ACCRA Tour TZ6 Hybrid Shaft Review

ACCRA Tour TZ6 Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas 
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter

ACCRA is now owned by True Sports. True Sports was formerly known at True Temper. For the past several years, the owners of ACCRA through their distribution company, PGMC have been the distributors of True Temper shafts to golf fitters.

PGMC runs the Performance Fitting Center certification program.for True Temper. The owners of ACCRA have a long history in golf shaft production and golf club fitting. The company is dedicated to professional golf club fitters. Their products are developed from feedback from the top golf club fitters in the world.

The ACCRA TZ line incorporates high modulus material into the Tour Z design. The EI profiles of the ACCRA TZ6 hybrids are much the same as the ACCRA TZ driver designs.

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Hogan Apex Lightweight Golf Shaft Review

Iron Golf Shafts – Hogan Apex LightWeight Steel

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

In my search for a replacement shaft that was no long available I was referred to J. J. Hill by my friends at UST Mamiya. J.J. has been in the club fitting and club repair business for 25+ years in Southern Minnesota and the Central US. He visits courses in the area with his trailer conducting fittings and doing club repair. During a long discussion of the history of shafts, J.J. told me he had a stockpile of light weight Hogan Apex iron sets.

EIVersion6A box arrived at my door a few days later and after sitting on the to do pile for months I decided to profile them on the redesignd EI instrument. That instrument has now moved from proto to manufacturing and will be available in a few weeks.  We have repositioned the gauge, giving us more consistent and accurate readings. The weigh and weigh bearing surface are now machined. The shaft guides self center the shaft. The updated instrument is faster and more accurate. Most current owners are upgrading their instruments.

In May, Perry Ellis International announced that the Ben Hogan brand will return to the business of club-making in 2015 via a licensing agreement with EIDOLON Brands, LLC. Terry Koehler, president and chief executive officer of EIDOLON Brands, is a lifelong Ben Hogan devotee and former director of marketing of the Ben Hogan Company. He is also the architect of the SCOR Golf wedges and set-match short irons. This re-introduction of Ben Hogan golf clubs coincides with the 60(th) anniversary of the first Ben Hogan irons in the fall of 1954. Terry Koehler has assembled a world class Research and Development team based in Fort Worth, Texas, where Ben Hogan golf clubs were first produced. The new Ben Hogan clubs will be introduced in 2015.

It was that announcement that got that box of shafts from the to do pile into the shop. I am told the Lightweight Apex iron shaft was introduced by the Hogan company in 1968. The sets of shafts I tested were made for Callaway when it took over the Hogan brand. We believe these were made around 10 years ago. Much has change in steel shaft manufacturing over that time. The radial integrity of the shafts I tested was excellent, 99.8% with a 0.1% standard deviation. It does not get much better than that. Aligning these is a waste of time and effort.

HogenApexLightweight_EiGjTbHogenApexLightweightSetCertificationThe numbers speak for themselves. This weight has proven to be a good fit for many golfers today. I ran the S Flex set through the certification process available from club builders equipped with the Fit2Score EI instrument. Respectable results, a slight anomaly on the 8i shaft. I have seen worse in current products. This highlights why you should have your iron shaft sets tested.  The radial quality of this set is perfect, alignment will do nothing for this set. But that 8i is likely to launch a little higher than the rest of the set.

My primary interest in any new set of shafts I look at is howthey compare to the shafts I know. Looking up the EI profile gives a fitter the insight of his experience with familiar shafts when he first encounters a shaft he does not ‘know’.

HogenApexLightweightvsXP105The lightweight Hogan Apex iron is a very close match to this years True Temper XP105. The XP105 is about 10 grams lighter and therefore a little softer. When I looked at hard stepping the XP105 S flex twice it came very close to the profile of the LightWeight Apex shaft.


If you are interested in this shaft, J.J. Hill has them available. He can be reached at or by phone at 507 271 2215. He is also a good resource for UST Mamiya shafts that are no longer available. Thanks JJ for making this little piece of shaft history available.


Nippon Zelos7 Golf Shaft Review

Iron Golf Shafts – NIPPON N.S.PRO Zelos7

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Golf Center at the Highlands, Carrollton Texas


The Nippon Zelos 7 is now available in the US. Quality carbon fiber shafts dominate the lightweight iron shaft market. The NSPro 750 was the lightest steel shaft available from Nippon. The very thin walls of the butt of the shaft had to be reinforced with a woven graphite fabric. The Zelos7 is about 5 grams lighter than the 750. The graphite butt wrap is gone. Nippon is one of the largest manufacturers of automotive valve springs. They are using their metallurgical expertise in the design of golf shafts. The Modus3 shafts are one of my favorite steel iron shafts. The deliver great feel and exceptional dispersion control. The Zelos7 has quickly become a top seller in the Asian market. Using new alloys, Nippon design a 72 gram steel shaft that is stable. It is targeted at the slow smooth golf swing that is best fit into a light weight club.

The technical discussion, measurements and testing results are available only to registered readers

I glued the review samples into some 6 iron heads and took them to the range. I was expecting a great deal of whippy dispersion from a shaft that had 4 pounds less stiffness than my current gamer. That was not the case. The S flex version was surprisingly stable and easy to control. The ball flight was higher, but that is to be expected with a shaft that is significantly softer than your ideal fit. I had no trouble controlling the Zelos7 and moved the samples immediately to my fitting system. If you are looking for a light weight iron shaft, you should be testing the Nippon Zelos7.

Nippon N.S.Pro Golf Shaft Review


By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Golf Center at the Highlands, Carrollton Texas

NIPPONSHAFT650NHK Spring Co. LTD.’s automotive value-spring alloy served as the genesis of a revolution in the golf shaft industry. When Nippon Shaft’s N.S. PRO 950GH came to market in 1999, it was the first consistently-made sub-100 gram steel shaft in the world. Light weight steel shafts allow some players to increase their swing speeds and thereby adding distance. All Nippon Shaft products are “constant weighted,” meaning that every iron in a set, from 3-iron to pitching wedge weighs the same. Tour Professionals play constant weight iron shafts almost exclusively. There is no good reason the rest of us should do otherwise.

“Constant weighting is a Nippon Shaft specialty,” says Hiro Fukuda of Nippon Shaft USA. “It doesn’t make sense to have a 3-iron that weighs more than your pitching wedge. The pros want a constant weight throughout their set for consistency.” I could not agree more. As my knowledge of golf shafts evolved, I stopped using parallel blanks and have never gone back to them.

NipponShaftsProductionNippon Shaft developed proprietary golf shaft materials and specialized heat-treatment production processes resulting in high performance golf shafts that have great feel, consistency and performance. These productions lines raised the bar on steel shaft quality and consistency. Shaft to shaft linear consistency in a set is excellent, creating sets of matched bend profiles well beyond what can be achieved by frequency matching parallel blanks. The N.S.Pro family of steel shafts can be installed in any orientation, the redial consistency is excellent

The technical discussion, measurements and testing results are available only to registered readers

Matrix VLCT Driver Golf Shaft Review

Driver Golf Shaft – Matrix VLCT SP & Matrix VLCT ST

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

The VLCT model is the 2014 driver shaft from Matrix Golf Shafts. It is available in two versions, Sp and St. The stiffness on the shaft is shown as a speed rating. A = +75, R = +85, S = +95 and X = +105. My review samples were the original graphic. The name on the shaft is VELOX, that is changing. If you see a shaft labeled Matrix Velox, it is the same shaft, different graphics. The ST version has a stiffer tip to promote a lower launch. 

Matrix uses the term CFI, Circumferential Flexural Integrity for what I call radial consistency. They define it perfectly as ” an innovative layup method devised to insure a shaft’s flexing properties are consistent around the 360 degree circumference”. I checked a total of 18 shafts and found the radial consistency at 99.0% with a 0.7% standard deviation. Those numbers translate into a shaft that can be installed in any orientation. The shaft is suitable for rotating hosels. Alignment will add nothing of value to the performance of the Matrix VLCT shafts.

The technical discussion, measurements and testing results are available only to registered readers

I had a chance to talk to Tom DeShiell, Director of R&D at Matrix Golf Shafts at the 2014 PGA Merchandise show. He discussed all the 2014 models.

 The Velox 60 gram ST shaft is stock in the 2014 TaylorMade JetSpeed TP driver. At $400 retail for the driver, that is a great bargain, considering the retail price of the shaft alone is $375. 

UST Proforce V5 Golf Shaft Review

Driver Golf Shaft – UST Proforce V5

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

USTProforceV5_ImageThe UST Mamiya Proforce V5 is a 2014 update of the ever popular Proforce V2. I have never had much experience with this shaft so my comments will be limited to observations of the numbers. Comparing it to the single Proforce V2 that was in the shop, the Proforce V5 torque is about a half degree lower. That creates a more stable tip for the larger heavier driver heads that we now see loaded with bling.


Radial consistency is excellent, the average was 99.8 with a standard deviation of 0.3%. None of the review sample exceeded my 2 cpm threshold, all were excellent. At this price point, that is notable. It reflects a trend in the shaft business to produce quality shafts that work consistently in any orientation in rotating hosels. The graphics of the Proforce V5 reflect that, wrapping uniformly around the shaft.

If you were familiar with the UST AXIVCORE Tour Green you will find the Proforce V5 to be quite similar. Compared to the AXIVCORE which integrates 4 axis material int he tip, the Proforce V5 has about a half degree more torque. You can expect a mid launch ball flight