True Temper Rifle Parallel Iron Shaft Review
True Temper reintroduced the Rifle Iron Shaft in 2017. it is a parallel shaft which a True Temper Performance Fitting Certified Club Maker can trim to exacting stiffness. The Rifle shaft has a long history in the golf business and was once a popular shaft on the PGA tour.
Performance Fitting Center Club Makers are educated and trained by True Temper. They are knowledgeable about True Temper’s proprietary technologies and how they can improve each golfer’s game. Performance Fitting Centers offer True Temper’s full line of catalog products in addition to products exclusive to Performance Fitting Centers.
When I was new to club making I attended what was then a weekend seminar to become a Rifle Certified Clubmaker. I learned the history of the research done by Dr. Joe Braly. That research pioneered the effort that is ongoing today to find a synergy between the golfer and the golf shaft. Quoting from my Rifle training manual, “The conventional process of determining shaft flex strictly by weight does not recognise a number of other variable that can stand in the way of producing a correctly matched set of clubs.” I am not certain that we yet fully understand that synergy. But, the research that resulted in the Rifle fitting system was a pioneering step in the history of club fitting. I know a number of golf pros that still speak fondly of their Rifle shafts sets of old.
Lets explore the Rifle fitting process and compare the Royal Precision Rifle to the True Temper Rifle.
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