Mitsubishi KuroKage Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

Mitsubishi KuroKage Hybrid Golf Shafts

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid MRC KuroKage image

The Mitsubishi KuroKage is a 2012 mid season design targeted at a mid price range. The specs on the shaft are in keeping with Mitsubishi Rayon’s tradition of maintaining high quality on any shaft that bears their name. The torque ranges from 3.2 on the 80R to 2.3 on the Proto 100 X. Radial quality is excellent.

The long stiff tip with torques ranging from 2.3 to 1.9 indicate a shaft capable of delivering tight dispersion and distance control. The KuroKage family of Mitsubishi Rayon Golf Shafts is available to club builders. The street price of the Hybrids is $80. The KuroKage Black profile, shown below, resembles the Diamana Blue design.  

Hybrid MRCKuroKage EiGj

Mitsubishi Fubuki Ax Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

Mitsubishi Fubuki Ax Hybrid Golf Shafts

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid FubukiAX imageThe Fubuki Hybrid Ax was redesigned in 2011 to be slightly softer than the previous model. It fits in to the stiffness and weight gap between the Bassara UltraLight and the Diamana Thump. The stiffness of the shaft is a perfect match to the other Fubuki Alpha driver and the Fubuki AX fairway shafts. Weights range from 70 to 80 grams, putting it in a unique range for a low torque hybrid. The tip torque is 2.1 and the butt torque, 2.9. Radial consistency is excellent, with several of the shafts measuring at 100%.

Hybrid FubukiAX EiGjAround 13″ from the tip, the stiffness of this shaft turns up. This has become a popular design, it adds a degree or two of launch without sacrificing dispersion control. This shaft was stock in the Adams Golf Super XTD Hybrid in 2012. That club gives the golfer the experience of a truly great aftermarket shaft in a hybrid golf club costing not much more than the shaft itself.

Mitsubishi Diamana D+ & S+ Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

Mitsubishi Diamana D+ & S+ Hybrid Golf Shafts

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid DiamanaPlus image

The Mitsubishi Diamana plus series introduced in late 2012. We will no longer be seeing the designation ‘made for …’ on stock golf shafts. The + series is the new ‘made for’ design. The profiles shown are bumpy because a single shaft of each model was measured. In the S+ blue shaft we are seeing a higher launch than the D+ gray shaft.

The familiar Diamana logo is there, but we are looking at they typical high torque, lower quality shaft we have seen in the ‘made for… ‘ shafts in the past. That said, the torque of these hybrids was respectable, tips at 2.4 and 1.9, butts at 3.2 and 2.6 on the blue and white respectively.

Hybrid DiamanaPlus EiGj

Mitsubishi Diamana Thump Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

Mitsubishi Diamana Thump Hybrid Golf Shafts

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid Thump imageThe Diamana Thump hybrid golf shaft is the most exotic hybrid golf shaft I have experienced. The price is more than most stock hybrid golf clubs. It is appropriately named, thump, for the feel in your hands as you watch your ball scream towards a distant green. If this review sounds biased, it is, I play this shaft in Miura hybrids. The control is worth every bit of the $200 hybrid shaft.

The butt torque is 2.3 in the 93 gram S and 2.2 in the 103 gram X, making it close to steel. Tip torque is 1.7 in both models, akin to light weight steel. Dispersion control is excellent. If you get tired of hooking your hybrids when you go after a shot, and don’t want to play steel, this shaft is the cure. Radial quality is as good as it gets, making shaft orientation a non issue. It is a low-mid launch design.

In 2012 Mitsubishi announced this shaft would be custom order only and not stocked in the US. It is still available through Mitsubishi dealers, however it is no longer shown in the current brochures. Caveat Emptor, the feel is addicting, Thump, interesting choice of words for a hybrid golf shaft model.
Hybrid Thump EiGj

Mitsubishi Bassara UltraLite Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

Mitsubishi Bassara UltraLite Hybrid Golf Shaft – Second Generation 2011

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid UL Bassara image

The Mitsubishi Bassara Hybrid is an ultra light shaft with weights ranging from 49 to 60 grams. The profile is similar to the earlier Bassara hybrid, but it is 10 grams lighter. And softer. Tip torque ranges from 3.1 to 2.4, butt torque from 4.1 in the 50L to 3.2 in the 60S. Not bad for so little material.

It is a mid launching shaft, and like all Mitsubishi shafts, the radial quality is excellent, meaning the shaft can be installed in any orientation. Ultralights are not for everyone, but if you feel you cannot comfortably handle a club in mid swing with the small muscles of your hands and are resorting to big muscles, it’s time to look into lighter clubs.
Hybrid Bassara EiGj