UST Mamiya ATTAS Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

UST Mamiya ATTAS Hybrid

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid ATTAS image
The ATTAS Hybrid is a premium shaft from UST Mamiya. It uses the same AXIV weave material in the butt section as the AXIVCore products. The mid and tip are made of ultra thin carbon graphite, allowing for more piles of material. This results in lower torque, smoother profiles and a long stiff tip.

The shaft to shaft consistency is excellent. Radial quality is excellent, torque ranges from 2.5 in the 85R to 2.3 in the 100 X.

It is a unique hybrid profile, modeled on the ATTAS driver shaft. A soft butt allows early loading in the downswing with a smooth, controlled swing. The quick loss of stiffness in the mid is complimented with a long uniformly stiff tip. It is a mid high launching shaft with low torque numbers that delivers tight dispersion. The profile is similar to the Nippon Modus3 irons shaft. This is has long been one of my favorite hybrid shafts.
Hybrid ATTAS EiGj

UST Mamiya AXIV Core Hybrid Black Golf Shaft Review

UST Mamiya AXIVCORE Hybrid Black

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid AXIVBlack image

The UST AXIV Core Tour Black Hybrid like the Tour Black Driver/Fairway shaft is a mid-high launch design. the aftermarket shaft is 100 grams. An 85 gram version with the same profile was offered in some stock hybrids. The 85 gram shaft has about 1/2 degree more torque than the after market version which ranges from 2.3 in the R flex to 2.2 in the X flex. The profile is found in a number of hybrid shafts, including some of the Mitsubishi models.

Tip torque at 17″ is 1.85, Butt torque at 37″ is 2.5.  Good numbers for a high launch design.  If your hybrids have a tendency to hook, a shaft with low tip torque may be the cure.  This profile is a classic, you will see it again and again in quality hybrid shaft designs.
Hybrid AXIVBlack EiGj

Graphite Design YS Hybrid Golf Shaft Review

Graphite Design S Hybrid Golf Shafts

By Russ Ryden, A Golf Digest America’s 100 Best Clubfitter
Fit2Score, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Hybrid GDYS imageThe Graphite Design YS-Hybrid was a shaft I discovered through customer trials. Almost every time I sent a fitting client out with a few hybrids to compare, they came back and asked for the YS-Hybrid shaft. Torque of the S flex was 2.5, about average for hybrid shafts. The design resembles the Nippon Modus3 iron shaft. A quick loss of stiffness in the mid section, with a long stiff tip. The closest hybird shaft I have seen since is the UST ATTAS.

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