Aldila Rogue 130MSI White Golf Shaft Review

Aldila Rogue 130MSI White Driver Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas 
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter

The Aldila Rogue driver shafts have now all been reissued with 130 MSI prepreg. The Aldila website informs us that Mitsubishi Chemical fiber and prepreg is used exclusively in the shaft. Mitsubishi acquired Aldila several years ago. Aldila and Mitsubishi are one of the few brands, perhaps the only brand, in the business to produce the materials their shafts are made with. Lets look at the EI profiles.

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ACCRA TZ5 and TZ6 Driver Shaft Review

ACCRA TZ5 and TZ6 Driver Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
& Mark Vallier, MK Golf Technologies, San Antonio Texas
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas 
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter

ACCRA shafts are sold exclusively to custom club fitters and builders. The TZ models are an evolution of the Tour Z series. The TZ5 and TZ6 incorporate the latest high modulus materials. High modulus materials have a muted feel. Solid strikes deliver a lower frequency thud to your hands in contrast to the higher frequency click typical of lower density pre-preg.

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TrueTemper EvenFlow Riptide Driver Shaft Review

TrueTemper EvenFlow Drive Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas 
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter

There are two models of the 2020 EvenFlow Riptide driver shaft from TrueTemper. One is noted CB for counter balanced. As I have seen many times, counter balancing has more effect on the shaft profile that it will have on the balance of a driver. Lets take a look at the profiles of the two models. 

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KBS TD Driver Golf Shaft Review

KBS TD Driver Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas 
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter

KBS has completed their matrix of carbon fiber shafts with a driver shaft. There are 15 models from 40 grams to 80 grams. The shafts are labeled with a weigh and a category. The category is stiffness. KBS has done a very good job of maintaining this stiffness rating across weights.

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Fujikura Speeder Evolution VI

Fujikura Speeder Evolution VI Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Highlands Performance Golf Center, Carrollton Texas 
Golf Digest Certified America’s 100 Best Club Fitter

The sixth generation of the Speeder Evolution has been released. I see a variation on the Fujikura Evolution IV.

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