Project X EvenFlow Blue Black Driver Shaft Review

Project X EvenFlow Blue & Project X EvenFlow Black Driver Shaft Review

By Russ Ryden, Fit2Score, A Dallas Fort Worth Club Fitter & Club Maker
The Golf Center at the Highlands, Carrollton Texas

EvenFlowBlueHandCraftedThe Project X EvenFlow, introduced in late 2017 is made in San Diego where the Project X HZRDUS shafts are made. It adds a unique pair of profiles to the Project X HZRDUS shafts that have released over the last few years. It has a softer midsection than the HZRDUS Black, It has a firmer butt section than the HZRDUS Red. It has a firmer mid section than the HZRDUS Yellow. The profile is a popular design and it has a great many close matches from just about every manufacturer in the golf shaft business. 

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